Circular general guidance on food sampling to serve the inspection and examination of food safety, hygiene and quality



Article 1. Scope of adjustment and subjects for application.

  1. This Circular makes guidance for the general principles on food sampling to serve the inspection and examination of food safety, hygiene and quality.
  2. This Circular is applicable to organizations and individuals related to the activity of food sampling during the inspection and examination of food safety, hygiene and quality.

Article 2. Explanation of terms

In this Circular, the following terms are construed as follows:

  1. Food sampling is a technical manipulation in order to obtain a certain food volume that is representative and homogeneous to serve the analysis, assessment of food safety, hygiene and quality
  2. Batch of food products is a defined quantity of a type of product of the same name, quality, materials, and shelf life and be produced in the same facility.
  3. Sample for testing is a general sample used for testing and assessment of criteria in the laboratory.
  4. Retained sample is the one having the same characteristics with the tested sample and retained at the testing facility, the sampling facility or the facility chosen by the head of examination and inspection group;