A culture of food safety



Since the Board decided to kick off a technicalworking group focused on food safety culture inJune 2015, we have been hard at work gatheringinput from leading practitioners and scientiststo provide stakeholders with GFSI’s position andthought leadership on food safety culture. Sucha topic that is relatively new to the global foodindustry required a diverse and passionate groupto ensure practical and comprehensive thoughtleadership. We want to thank each of the 35working group members their hard work, pas-sionate discussions, and willingness to strive fora document that will add value to all parts of theglobal food supply chain, from the farm orfactoryto the shop, and across the global reach of theGFSI-benchmarked certification programmes.We hope you find the document valuable to youas you embed and maintain a positive food safetyculture in your company.
Mike Robach
Chair of the GFSI Board
Lone Jespersen
Chair of the Food Safety Culture Working Group