Main Activities:
– Review of the FS policies and legislations, and support for improvement of some policy documents, including review of 10-year implementation of the FSL, with recommended changes/revisions to the existing FSL and Decree 15/2018/ND-CP
– Taking stock of the current situation on the implementation of, analysis of shortcomings and constraints in handling food safety incidents, management of food-borne diseases (food poisoning).
– Support for digital transformation design for food safety management information and reporting
– TA for establishment of a National Laboratory Management System (LIMS)
– Gender toolkit & e-Learning modules
– Development of International Food Safety Training Program
– TA for selected academic or research institutions on food safety risk assessment
– Gender-based value chain assessments (GBVCAs) and selection, and propose comprehensive support plan for selected value chains.
– Conduct RA survey in value-chains, including production households/ establishments/ cooperatives; preliminary processing and processing establishments; logistical service centers; wholesale markets, trade centers/shoping malls; supermarkets and retail markets of selected value chains
– Conduct gap analysis of traceability systems, including recall and resolve for selected food products
– Analysis and assessment of current status of, and developoment of capacity strengthening strategy for the application of HACCP, GAP and/or relevant international FS standards and certifications)
– Target audiences survey/study on their awareness, culture and expectations, particularly women and youth
– Communication strategy with key messages for each identified target groups
– TA on trade facilitation and brand promotion
and provision of various relevant training on food safety
(*)Alinea is an international development consultancy providing technical and management expertise that helps people improve their lives. For more than 35 years, Alinea has delivered lasting change through more than 500 projects worldwide.