The SAFEGRO project, in collaboration with the  Department of Quality, Processing and Market Development, and with the Vietnam National Academy of Agriculture, organized the workshop on “Survey results on undergraduate curriculum of food safety and quality” on June 3, 2023. This activity is contributing to the development of an international standard food safety undergraduate curriculum for universities in Vietnam. The project team carried out the survey on the current status of university-level training programs in food safety and quality management in Vietnam which was presented and discussed in the context of expected learning outcomes for the proposed food safety undergraduate programs.

Ảnh toàn thể hội thảo

The workshop facilitated consultations with  state food safety management agencies, lecturers from universities, research institutes, food enterprises, trade associations and international organizations involved in food safety management. The survey results included the current status of undergraduate training programs on Quality Management and Food Safety in Vietnam, to align developing the undergraduate curriculum with international standards and meeting the demand for high-quality human resources on quality management and food safety in the agro-food industry.

TS. Nguyễn Như Tiệp phát biểu khai mạc hội thảo

The workshop welcomed more than 60 delegates who provided valuable feedback, contributing positively to the report, verification of expected learning outcomes, insights on the appropriate  standards and processes for the university academic program on food safety and quality.

The SAFEGRO team of faculty presented their survey findings  and recommendations for upgrading the curriculum, with a focus on the current quality management and food safety of three universities: Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry. From the survey, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the three training programs were identified.

PGS. TS. Nguyễn Thị Minh Tú báo cáo kết quả đối sánh chương trình đào tạo chuyên ngành QLCL-ATTP

In addition, the survey results encompassed 69 other institutional respondents related to the expected learning outcomes of the quality assurance/quality management and food safety training program. All stakeholders agreed that food safety is essential and important in the food industry, and they also gave positive and important feedback to contribute to the development of a better training program that is closely linked to practice in the food industry.

Professor Lawrence Goodridge,  Director of the Canadian Research Institute on Food |Safety at the University of Guelph, also shared information on the Food Technology, Food Safety and Quality Management programs at the University of Guelph, Canada’s “food university”. Workshop discussions considered courses, subjects, training approaches and career opportunities through mentoring and internship programs.. This comprehensive approach combines undergraduate training with postgraduate training for developing high quality human resources working in the field of food safety as a model for Vietnam.

At the closing of the workshop, Mr. Nguyen Nhu Tiep, Director of the Department of Quality, Processing and Market Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development acknowledged the contribution of delegates who participated enthusiastically and responsibly during the workshop, and noted the practical and useful comments. The  project implementation team will now develop a general food safety undergraduate program framework, customizable to specific characteristics for each university, to serve as the basis to provide the best training of human resources for each university, industry and government needs. and the food safety needs of society at large.

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