Component 2: Increased competitiveness of agro-production and business establishments, incluing small-holder farmers, poor farmers and other actors, particularly women in Vietnam in supplying safe agri-food products to domestic and international markets (in selected value chains)
Outcome 1: Strengthened capacity of agri-food production and business establistments/farming households/poor farmers/other actors, particularly women, along the value chains to supply safe agri-food products, taking gender equality and environmental sustainability considerations into account.
Outcome 2: Increased capacity of agri-food production/business establishments to ensure traceability and food safety along selected value chains.
Outcome 3: Increased capacity of the agro-production and business establishments participating in selected value chains, including poor farmers/farming households in selected provinces and centrally-run cities to apply agri-food innovative solutions and climate smart and gender-sensative agriculture approaches, technologies and practices.