Training Manual for Street Food Vendors



Sections 32 to 41 of the Food Rules and Regulations of Bhutan (2007) requires all people who supervise and/or handle food or food contact surfaces have the knowledge and skills of basic food safety and food hygiene. This training manual has been designed to provide basic knowledge and skills required by food handlers as per the provisions of the above cited legislation. A food handler is anyone who works in a food business and who either handles food or surfaces that are likely to come in contact with food (e.g. tables, fridges or chopping boards, cutlery, plates). It covers staff who manufacture, process, prepare, serve, deliver, transport or package food in food establishments. Food safety means making sure that food is safe to eat while food hygiene means keeping the food premises and equipment clean. Ensuring that the food handlers have the right food safety skills and knowledge will not only fulfill the legal requirements, but will also ensure consumer confidence and make food business secure and profitable.