International Food Information Council Foundation Food Safety A Communicator s Guide to Improving Understanding



In using this Guide or any International Food Information Council(IFIC) Foundation materials, keep in mind:
Information provided in any IFIC Foundation publication or other resource is not intended to provide medical advice on personal health matters, which should be obtained directly from a qualified health professional.
Links are provided throughout this publication, as well as, to other sites of food safety and nutrition information. The inclusion of these links does not imply the IFIC Foundation’s endorsement or approval of the sites or there commendations therein, such as specific health advice.
Established in 1991, the IFIC Foundation has the mission of effectively communicating health, nutrition and food safety for the public good.
Over the years, the Foundation has partnered and collaborated with global stakeholders, including food and health organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, food industry professionals and nonprofit organizations, on efforts to enable effective communication and informed decision-making along the food chain to promote global health and consumer understanding.