HC Risk Assessment Framework Oct 2014



The following definitions apply to this Framework. Words within the definitions that appear in bold type
are also defined in this section.
Danger to human health or safety: “means any unreasonable hazard — existing or potential — that is
posed by a consumer product during or as a result of its normal or foreseeable use and that may
reasonably be expected to cause the death of an individual exposed to it or have an adverse effect on
that individual’s health — including an injury — whether or not the death or adverse effect occurs
immediately after the exposure to the hazard, and includes any exposure to a consumer product that
may reasonably be expected to have a chronic adverse effect on human health” (
Canada Consumer
Product Safety Act,
S. 2)
Foreseeable use: Any use or misuse of the product that could be reasonably foreseen, and will often
exclude gross negligence, or criminal activity.