Article Quantitative risk assessment of salmonellosis in Cambodian consumers



General Directorate of Animal Health and Production, National Animal Health and Production
Research Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
2International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi,
3Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden,
4Department of Clinical Sciences, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden,
5Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden,
6Livestock Development for Community Livelihood
Organization, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
7Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich,
London, United Kingdom,
8Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
9International Centre for
Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions, Copenhagen, Denmark