Article Maggio Santamaria Nitrate review



Abstract: Nitrate content is an important quality characteristic of vegetables. Vegetable nitrate content is
of interest to governments and regulators owing to the possible implications for health and to check that
controls on the content are effective. Nitrate itself is relatively non-toxic but its metabolites may produce
a number of health effects. Until recently nitrate was perceived as a purely harmful dietary component
which causes infantile methaemoglobinaemia, carcinogenesis and possibly even teratogenesis. Recent
research studies suggest that nitrate is actually a key part of our bodies’ defences against gastroenteritis.
In this review are reported: (1) vegetable classification as a function of nitrate accumulation; (2) vegetable
contribution to the total dietary exposure of nitrate; (3) European Commission Regulation No. 563/2002
which sets limits for nitrate in lettuce and spinach; (4) the maximum levels set in some countries for
beetroot, cabbage, carrot, celery, endive, Lamb’s lettuce, potato, radish and rocket; (5) the results of
surveys on the nitrate content of vegetables in Italy and other European countries.
2005 Society of Chemical Industry