Article Heavy Metal in water, soil, vegetable Bangledesh



In developing countries, heavy metal contamination of farmland is occurring, which is a severe
environmental problem due to the toxicity of heavy metals [
1]. In recent decades, the concentrations of
heavy metals and metalloids in irrigation water, soil, and vegetables have been greatly increasing on
farmland due to anthropogenic activities including the expansion of industrialization and urbanization [
Irrigation water contaminated with industrial wastewater has caused significant heavy metal
contamination in soils and crops. If soil is irrigated with wastewater, heavy metal concentration will be
high in the edible parts of growing plants [
In Bangladesh, food safety is a major health concern. In the country, most foodstuffs are thought
to be contaminated with heavy metals and not safe for human ingestion [
4]. Due to unplanned
industrialization and urbanization in the country, wastewater contaminated with heavy metals is
continuously released into irrigation canals, thus soil and crops are contaminated with heavy metals,
and many people consume the contaminated crops after they have been transported and sold in retail
markets [
5], and thus face the risk of health problems.