Article Ethiopia heavy metal on vegetables 2018



ABSTRACT. Water pollution with heavy metals due to discharge of untreated domestic wastes and surface
runoff to the rivers is a major threat for human health that consumes vegetables grown with the polluted river. The
present study aimed to examine the contamination of heavy metals through the health risk assessment via the
consumption of spinach vegetable grown by the irrigation of Elalla River. Water from Elalla River, soil and
spinach were analyzed for Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr and Cd using FAAS. Based on the elements analyzed, TF, DIM and
HRI were calculated. The elements Cr (0.18-0.60) and Cd (0.021-0.023) in water samples (mg/L), Zn (316.10-
517.86) and Cd (16.00-16.80) in soil samples(mg/kg); and Fe (483.38-612.24), Zn (109.86-219.72), Pb (2.56-
3.97), Cr (8.42-13.45) and Cd (1.62-1.91) in spinach (mg/kg) were exceeded the permissible limits set by FAO
and Ewers and Weigert. The TF calculated were lower for all metals except for Pb (2.832). Although the HRI
values of all studied heavy metals were found to be < 1, the values for Cd and Pb were higher indicating alarming
condition for the long term use of spinach in the studied area. Therefore, regular monitoring of heavy metals is
essential to prevent excessive build up in the food chain and prevent serious health risk of population.