Analysis_Method for quantification of Glyphosate



A method is described for the residue analysis of very polar, non-QuEChERS-amenable, pesticides in
foods of plant origin such as fruits (including dried fruits), vegetables, cereals and processed products
thereof as well as honey.
Residues are extracted from the test portion following water adjustment and the addition of acidified methanol. The mixture is centrifuged, filtered and directly analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Various options for the simultaneous LC-MS/MS analysis of different combinations of pesticides are provided. Quantification is in most
cases performed with the help of isotopically labeled analogues of the target analytes, which are used as
internal standards (ILISs). So far available, these ILISs are added directly to the test portion at the beginning of the procedure to compensate for any factors having an influence on the recovery-rates such as volume-deviations, analyte losses during sample preparation as well as matrix-effects during measurement