Elo survey report of FS and quality management training program



Funded by Global Affairs Canada, our project seeks to enhance the access of Vietnamese people in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City to safe and competitive agri-food products, with the aim of improving the well-being of consumers as well as other agri-food actors. The SAFEGRO project is implemented by Alinea International in partnership with the University of Guelph.

Food safety is a major public health concern. Many people do not trust food safety enforcement at informal markets where they buy most of their food. Additionally, trade for Vietnam’s commodity exports suffers due to a lack of compliance with international standards.

The SAFEGRO project works with national and municipal governments to modernize food safety capacity among regulators, thousands of smallholder farmers, cooperatives, processors, retailers, and consumers along specific meat and vegetable value chains in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City. SAFEGRO supports Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Industry and Trade in their joint efforts to enhance food safety